Gabor Toka
Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy, and Int
Central European University
Gabor Toka is interested in public opinion, survey methodology, and East European politics. He is co-author of Post-Communist Party Systems: Competition, Representation, and Inter-Party Cooperation (Cambridge University Press, 1999), and author or co-author of over five dozen articles on electoral behaviour, public opinion, political parties and democratic consolidation in edited volumes, political science and sociology journals.
Research Interest
Political Science
Tóka G, Popescu M, Millard F. The Impact of Preference Voting Systems on Women’s Representation and the Legitimation of Quota-based Nomination Results. In: Joint Sessions of Workshops of the European Consortium for Political Research in Mainz, Germany, 11-16 March 2013.; 2013.
Tóka G, Popescu M. News Media Partisanship in a Cross-National Perspective. In: “Parties and Partisans: Explaining Continuity and Change in Party Systems†conference at the Juan March Institute, Madrid, Spain, 8-9 February 2013.; 2013.
Tóka G. Party Positions. In: van Deth JW, editor. Comparative Politics: The Problem of Equivalence. London: ECPR Press; 2013. p. 180-204. (ECPR Classics reprint edition).