Gerhard Jaritz
Medieval Studies
Central European University
Gerhard Jaritz is currently a Professor in the department of Medieval Studies, Central European University, Hungary. He received PhD, 1973, University of Graz and Dr.h.c., 2004, University of Koppenhagen.
Research Interest
Art History and Visual Culture, Renaissance and Early Modern Studies, Urban History and Economic History.
Jaritz G. Unterkleidung im Mittelalter oder: Der Kampf um die (Unter-)Hosen. In: Dessous. Eine Kulturgeschichte hautnah. Klagenfurt: Landesmuseum Kärnten; 2012. p. 18-20.
Jaritz G. Ritual, Images, and Daily Life. Some Introductory Notes. In: Jaritz G, editor. Ritual, Images, and Daily Life. The Medieval Perspective. Berlin: LIT Verlag; 2012. p. 1-6.
Ritual, Images, and Daily Life. The Medieval Perspective.. Jaritz G, editor. Berlin and others: LIT Verlag; 2012.