Matthias Riedl
Associate Professor
Department of History
Central European University
Matthias Riedl is currently an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of History, Central European University. Most of my published work has been on religious and political thought in Latin Christianity, ranging from antiquity to reformation period. However, I also wrote articles and essays on most recent developments in theology and political philosophy. My current research is on the emergence of revolutionary apocalypticsm in the Later Middle Ages and Early Modernity. I’m working on a monograph on the German radical reformer Thomas Müntzer. The main objective is to explore how apocalyptic and mystical thinking may serve as inspiration and justification for violent action.
Research Interest
Early Modern Period, Intellectual History, Political Thought, Comparative Religious Studies, Church History, History of Theology, Religious Dissent, Reformation Studies, Religion and Politics, Religious Violence.
„Adolf Portmann - Ein Skeptiker auf der Suche“. (Adolf Portmann - A sceptic and a searcher). In: Eranos - Neue Folge 11 (2003), pp. 115-126.
„Säkularisierung als Heilsgeschehen: Gianni Vattimos postmoderne Eschatologie.“ (Secularization and salvation: Gianni Vattimo's postmodern eschatology). In: Mathias Hildebrandt et al. (ed.): Säkularisierung und Resakralisierung in westlichen Gesellschaften. Ideengeschichtliche und theoretische Perspektiven. Wiesbaden: Westdeutscher Verlag, 2001, pp. 171-184.
„Die KZ-Gedenkstätte Flossenbürg.“ (The Concentration Camp Memorial Site at Flossenbürg). In: Der Staatsbürger 2000/9.