Michael Dorsch
Associate Professor
Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy, and Int
Central European University
Michael Dorsch is an applied economist whose research and teaching interests are mainly in public economics and political economics. Michael's current research program investigates the political economy of distortionary economic policy, with a particular interest in the role of political and economic inequality. His work has appeared in interdisciplinary journals such as the European Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Comparative Economics, Public Choice, and Social Sciences Quarterly.
Research Interest
Economics, Political Science.
Inefficient predation and political transitions,â€European Journal of Political EconomyEuropean Journal of Political Economy, vol.37: 37 – 48 (with P. Maarek).
“Development and inefficient regulation under the threat of revolution,â€Journal of Comp-Journal of Comp-arative Economics arative Economics, vol. 44: 1040 – 1054 (with K. Dunz and P. Maarek).
“Income taxation and the diversity of consumer goods: A political economy approach,â€conditionally accepted atScandinavian Journal of EconomicsScandinavian Journal of Economics (with R. Bourlès and P.Maarek)