SÃndor Kele
senior research fellow
Hungarian Academy of Science (HAS)
Employment: - 2014- :Institute for Geological and Geochemical Research , HAS, Budapest, Hungary - 2013-2014:ETH Zürich , Zürich, Switzerland (SCIEX postdoctoral fellowship) - 2005-2013:Institute for Geochemical Research , HAS, Budapest, Hungary - 2004-2005:SCK·CEN (Belgian Nuclear Research Centre), MOL, Belgium (MÖB scholarship) - 2003-2004: Laboratory for Geochemical Research , Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), Budapest, Hungary Education: - 2009: PhD . Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. PhD thesis: "Investigations on freshwater limestones from the Carpathian-Basin: paleoclimatological and sedimentological studies" Supervision: Dr. Csaba Szabó (ELTE), Consultant: Dr. Attila Demény (HAS) - 2003: MSc in Geology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest Dissertation topic: Stable isotope investigations on the Budakalász freshwater limestone. Supervisor: Dr. Csaba Szabó (ELTE), Orlando Vaselli (University of Florence, Italy)
Research Interest
Main research interest - Stable- and clumped isotope geochemistry of carbonates - Study of recent travertine depositing hot spring systems, calcite-water and aragonite-water oxygen isotope fractionation and calibration issues - Paleoclimatology (based on travertines, tufas and speleothems) - Geochemistry of dolomites, soil carbonates, tree rings