Szilvia Ãprily
associate professor
 Animal Genetics and Biotechnology
Kaposvár University
Dr. Szilvia Áprily is currently working as associate professor in the Department of Animal Genetics and Biotechnology, Kaposvar University, Hungary. Szilvia Áprily research interest includes Animal Genetics and Biotechnology and has successfully completed their Administrative responsibilities. Szilvia Áprily has authored of many research articles related to Animal Genetics and Biotechnology.
Research Interest
Animal Genetics and Biotechnology
Ãprily S, Szász S, Bogenfürst F. Einfluss von Genotyp, Geschlecht und Vorbereitung zum Stopfen auf die Gewichtszunahme und die Leberproduktion bei Gänsen.
Aprily S, Szász S, Bogenfürst F. Effect of genotype, sex and cramming preparation on performance and fatty liver production in geese. Archiv für Geflügelkunde. 2009;73(4):268-74.