
Nutrition Experts

Eva Martos

Deputy director
National Institute for Pharmacy and Nutrition


Eva Martos is the deputy director of the National Institute for Pharmacy and Nutrition (successor of the National Institute for Food and Nutrition Science). She is responsible for the planning and managing the work in field of nutrition related to public health. She has extensive teaching practice of both graduated and postgraduate levels. She was invited regularly as a speaker of national and international conferences and technical workshops to share our results and good practices. She has participated in several international projects, such as HECTOR, IDLE and INFORM. She was the principal investigator for COSI in Hungary and was the leading expert of the Hungarian work package leader team of the current EU co-funded JANPA project. She has organised a lot of professional conferences, and contributed to the programs of the WHO country visits. She has been the Hungarian representative for the EU DG Sante High level group on Diet and Physical activity since 2007, and WHO European Region nutrition counterpart since 2005.

Research Interest


Global Experts from Hungary

Global Experts in Subject

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