
Pharmaceutical Sciences Experts

Milton Boniuk

Pharmaceutical technology


as Dr. Milton Boniuk is an Independent Director of NanoViricides, Inc., with effect from May 28, 2013. Dr. Boniuk is a renowned eye surgeon in private practice who specializes in Ocular Oncology and Oculoplastics. He is also the Caroline F. Elles Chair of Ophthalmology at the Alkek Eye Center at the Baylor College of Medicine. Dr. Boniuk has been a long term investor and strong supporter of NanoViricides, Inc. Dr. Boniuk is also well known for his philanthropic endeavors. Most recently, he gave $28.5M to Rice University to establish The Boniuk Institute for the Study and Advancement of Religious Tolerance, following up on a previous $5M gift for this cause. Dr. Boniuk earned his MD at the Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, followed by an internship at the Victoria General Hospital, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and Residency at the Center for Ophthalmology, Jefferson Medical College - Wills Eye Hospital, Philadelphia, PA. In addition, he served a Fellowship in Ophthalmic Pathology at the world-renowned Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, D.C. Dr. Boniuk has made significant contributions in cataract surgery, glaucoma, corneal dystrophies, retinal diseases and surgery. He is a nationally and internationally recognized expert in the pathology and surgical management of orbital and intra-ocular tumors. His description of the ocular pathology of the congenital rubella syndrome in 1967 was a landmark publication. Of note, Dr. Boniuk has made substantial medical contributions in areas that are of great significance to the Company, such as ocular adenoviral infections, that cause epidemic kerato-conjunctivitis (EKC). The Company has developed a drug candidate for EKC infection that was successfully tested in rabbits. These animals serve as a surrogate for the viral disease in human eyes.

Research Interest

Novel Drug Delivery Systems Smart Drug Delivery Technology Regenerative Medicine and Tissue Engineering Nano Pharmaceuticals

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