
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Péter Róbert

Senior Professor
Department of Social Sciences
Tarki Social Research Institute


Péter Róbert is senior researcher and project manager at TÁRKI. He has graduated in sociology at the Eötvös Lóránd University (ELTE). In his early career in the eighties, Róbert has participated in the Stratification Model Survey directed by Tamás Kolosi in the Institute of Social Sciences. His research topic was social mobility analysis and he has defended his thesis in this field in 1986, when he received a degree from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS). Róbert has been working in TARKI since its foundation in 1985 in part-time position. In full-time he has worked in the Institute of Political Science of HAS for a short period in the early nineties. In 1992, Róbert has moved to the Eötvös Lóránd University where he has spent about one and half decade in a full-time Associate Professor position. In 2000, he has made his Habilitation at ELTE. In the Fall of 2010, he has been appointed to a full professor at the Széchenyi University at Gyôr. Róbert is currently working there in full time position as Professor in Sociology. At the end of 2010, he has returned to the Institute of Political Science of HAS as well where he has a part-time position as a Senior Researcher and is responsible for the European Social Survey (ESS) in Hungary

Research Interest

Social stratification and mobility, Educational inequalities, life course transitions and Attitudes towards social inequalities and political preferences.


  • Robert P (2010) Social origin, school choice, and student performance. Educational Research and Evaluation 2 pp: 107-129.

  • Robert P (1984) A Multidimensional Approach to Social Mobility. In: Rudolf Andorka and Tamás Kolosi (eds.): Stratification and Inequality. Hungarian Sociological Association, Budapest. pp: 223-244

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