Social & Political Sciences

Social & Political Sciences Experts

Vigdís Lebas Gunnarsdóttir

Assistant Professor
Iceland Academy of Arts


Gunnarsdóttir graduated from the Acting School of Iceland 1993, and worked as an actress at the National Theatre between 1993 and 2003. She completed a  master´s degree in writing and directing for television from Golsmiths College, University of London, in 2002 and finished her diploma in Department of Arts Education at the Iceland Academy of the Arts in 2013. Recently she took over the position of Program Director of Performing Arts at the Department of Arts Education. Along teaching at the department, Vigdís works as a drama teacher at the Theatre Department of Fjölbrautarskólinn í Garðabæ and as a freelance actress.

Research Interest


Global Experts from Iceland

Global Experts in Subject

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