
Business & Management Experts

Jón Sigurðsson

President and Chief Executive Officer
Business Administration


Össur President and Chief Executive Officer since 1996, born 1956, resides in the United States. He is a board member of Vitrolife AB and chairman of the Icelandic American Chamber of Commerce. Jón was the Commercial Counselor for the Icelandic Trade Council in New York (1992- 1996), Chief Financial Officer at Álafoss (1989-1991), Head of the International Division of Eimskip (1986-1989) and an Engineer for Bang and Olufsen Denmark (1982- 1984).   Jón's experience as a member of the Board of Directors in other companies/organizations includes: Vitrolife AB since 2015 The Icelandic American Chamber of Commerce since 2012 Rio Tinto Alcan Iceland 2003-2015 The Icelandic Chamber of Commerce 2002-2012 Reykjavik University from 2002-2009 Samherji hf. from 2002-2006 The Icelandic Trade Council from 1997-2003 Research Liaison Office of the University of Iceland from 1996-2001 Jón and his related parties hold 660,708 shares in the Company.

Research Interest

Jón holds a Bachelor. degree in Industrial Engineering from Odense Technical College in Denmark and a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) from the United States International University in San Diego. He has no interest links with the Company’s main clients, competitors or major shareholders.

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