Business & Management

Business & Management Experts

Helgi Kristínarson Gestsson

Buisness and Science
University of Akureyri


Helgi Kristínarson Gestsson Founded and ran the accounting and consulting company H.Gestsson - viðskiptaþjónusta in 1981 - 1983. Was financial manager for the making of the movie Jón Oddur and Jón Bjarni (1981-1982). Hired through a consulting committee of The Fisheries Bank of Iceland as a financial manager of Blikksmiðjan Vogur hf., an old and established company in financial difficulties (1983 - 1984) Worked at The Icelandic Technological Institute 1984 - 1986 adapting and running a 18 month business administration course (Vöxtur og velgengni) for directors of small- and medium sized companies. Took over the last year a national productivity Program run by the Institute. The course was adapted working with a designer of a fairly similar course run by the Irish management Institute, IMI. Taught courses on management and operations management at the Icelandic Technological College (later changed to The Icelandic Technological University) as a staff member of the ITI Director of the Gefjun Clothes Factory from 1988 and Gefjun - Sólin 1989 after finalizing the consolidation of the Gefjun Clothes Factory and Solin - clothes factory. Taught a management and operations management courses at the Icelandic Technical College (later changed to The Icelandic Technical University) from 1984 - 1989. An assistant professor at the Icelandic Technical College (later changed to The Icelandic Technical University) from 1990 - 2000 being the full time head of the Business Administration faculty 1995 - 1997 starting up a line of Logistics at the faculty and teaching courses of strategy, management, human resource management, operations management.1,2 and 3, logistics 1 and logistics 2, financial accounting, financial statements, taxes, cost accounting, finance, information technology and product innovation. At the same time I taught teaching a course on Manufacturing systems at the faculty of Economics and Business Administration at the University of Iceland and courses on operations management and management control systems at the Business college of Bifröst. Started as an assistant professor at the University of Akureyri 2000 teaching cources on strategy, operations management, performance systems, logistics, financial accounting, cost accounting, management control systems and mathematics and been an instructor for more than 15 BSc. thesis. Lead the preparation of the start of a faculty of Computer Science at UNAK. Was the director of the Icelandic Tourism Centre for a year and a half 2004 - 2005 arranging the international 3 day conference - the14th. Nordic Symposium in Tourism and Hospitality- for over 100 participants in Akureyri in 2005. Have since 2001 taught in business related courses for foreign fellows of the United Nations University - Fisheries Training program and acted as an instructor for fellows’ thesis. One of two designers and instructors’ instructor for UNU-FTP of a 3 day short training course on Product Cycle Management for managers and specialists in institutions of The Fisheries Ministry of Sri Lanka and held three times there in 2007.

Research Interest

Buisness and Science

Global Experts from Iceland

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