Kristjana Fenger
Assistant Professor
School of Health Science
University of Akureyri
Kristjana Fenger Assistant Professor, University of Akureyri. Work Experience From 1998 Assistant Professor, Occupational Therapy Program, the University of Akureyri, Iceland. 1991-1999 Deputy Chief Occupational Therapist at Reykjalundur Rehabilitation Center, Iceland . Working with clients who were occupational dysfunctional because of psychosocial problems. Program development and reorganization of inner structure of department.
Research Interest
Kristjana Fenger research interests are: Work and the role of a worker with emphasize on (a) Vocational rehabilitation, (b) ergonomics and (c) job satisfaction; Translation and psychometric testing of assessments (tools for occupational therapy practice).
Fenger K, Keller J (2006) Worker Role Interview: Testing the psychometric properties of the Icelandic version. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy.
Forsyth K, Braveman B, Kielhofner K, Ekbladh E, Haglund L et al. (2006) Psychometric properties of the Worker Role Interview. Work 27: 313-318.