
Engineering Experts

Prashanth Athri

Assoc. Professor
Computer Science
Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre


Dr. Prashanth Athri currently serves as Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science, School of Engineering, Bengaluru. He has worked at Strand Life Sciences, Bengaluru as a Senior Specialist (bioinformatics data analytics), and has held post-doctoral fellowships EPF Lausanne, Switzerland & Emory University, Atlanta, USA. He received his Ph. D. in Computational Chemistry and Bioinformatics (minor) at Georgia State University, preceded by M. S. in Computer Science and Bioinformatics (minor). His research interests include big data analytics of bioinformatics data towards application in the personalized medicine space. He conducts research into the application of semantic web technologies, database integration and parallalized searches to enable data centered knowledge mining in this field. He also develops evolution inspired algorithms to build hypotheses in the area of new generation drug discovery. Additionally, Dr. Prashanth explores the application of high performance.

Research Interest

Data Analytics, Application of Statistical Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning & Genetic Algorithms to the Field of Structure-Based Molecular Design, Bioinformatics


  • D. Enderle, Beisel, C., Stadler, M. B., Gerstung, M., Dr. Prashanth Athri, and Paro, R., “Polycomb preferentially targets stalled promoters of coding and non-coding transcripts”, Genome Research, vol. 21, pp. 216–226, 2011

  • M. Doemer, Guglielmi, M., Dr. Prashanth Athri, Nagornova, N. S., Rizzo, T. R., Boyarkin, O. V., Tavernelli, I., and Rothlisberger, U., “Assessing the performance of computational methods for the prediction of the ground state structure of a cyclic decapeptide”, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, vol. 113, pp. 808–814, 2012.

  • E. Brunk, Perez, M. A. S., Dr. Prashanth Athri, and Rothlisberger, U., “Genetic-Algorithm-Based Optimization of a Peptidic Scaffold for Sequestration and Hydration of CO2.”, Chemphyschem, vol. 17, no. 23, pp. 3831-3835, 2016

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