S. Harikrishnan
Asst. Professor
School of Biotechnology
Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre
Harikrishnan currently serves as Assistant Professor at the School of Biotechnology. He received his masters in Biotechnology from Amrita University, Amritapuri in 2012. He also holds a Bachelors degree in Biotechnology and a diploma in Bioinstrumentation from Bharathiar University. Hari, as an undergraduate student have headed many co-curricular activities including being the captain of the National Service Scheme, Editor of Campus Magazine, Secretary of the Biotech Association EXONS etc. at CMS College of Science and Commerce, Coimbatore. He was an organizing member for the International Conference on Biotechnology for Innovative Applications - Amrita BioQuest. (link is external) Currently he also serves as a member of Academic Committee at School of Biotechnology and as the faculty warden for boys hostel
Research Interest
Lentiviral Technology, RNAi, Cancer Biology