
Biochemistry Experts

Shashikant Gupta



Apex CoVantage Cofounder and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Shashikant Gupta guides the company’s business strategy and technology direction. Dr. Gupta also serves as chief technologist, directing development of Apex’s numerous trailblazing technologies over the years in such diverse markets as publishing; media and entertainment; and electric, gas, and water utilities. His philosophy of balancing the cognitive power of the human mind with the processing power of computers has guided all of Apex’s technological innovations, while his passion for identifying and designing next-generation technologies led Dr. Gupta to develop software products like ADEPT, ProACT, IZAAC, DataWorks, FieldWorks. and ProField. A strong sense of social justice inspired his establishment of the Gupta Family Foundation, a private foundation that supports organizations helping disadvantaged people become self-reliant. Prior to founding Apex, Dr. Gupta was a consultant to the U.S. government, developing computer models to address nuclear waste-disposal issues. He holds an MBA and Ph.D. from Michigan State University.

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