R. Chidambaram
Former Director
atomic energy
Dr. Chidambaram started his work on neutron diffraction and crystallography in 1962. He was the first to introduce automation for data collection with neutron diffractometers. He was also instrumental in introducing crystallographic computing in India. He initiated work on the design of nuclear explosives. He was the first one to work out the equation of state of Plutonium. He worked on the implosion method for the device which was tested at Pokhran in 1974. For this purpose, Dr. Chidambaram initiated shockwave research at BARC, in close interaction with DRDO. For the 1998 tests, he introduced a very compact implosion system, which could be weaponized. After the Pokhran test, Dr. Chidambaram initiated “open research” in the area of high pressure physics. For this, a complete range of instrumentation like diamond anvil cells, gas-gun for launching projectiles with complete diagnostic facilities was built indigenously. He also laid the foundation of theoretical high pressure research for calculation of equation of state, phase stability of materials etc. Dr. Chidambaram was also responsible for initiating the development of supercomputers in BARC.
Research Interest
Atomic energy