
Oncology Experts

Dr. Ashish Gupta

Haemato Oncology
Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer Hospital & Research Centre


  Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer Hospital and Research Center (BMCHRC), a 200 bedded, NABH Accredited, Not-For-Profit super specialty cancer hospital has brought leading edge infrastructure, infinitely experienced humane faculty and trained technical staff within the reach of the community in an environment that nurtures excellence and innovation. It has been primarily established with the aim of helping socially deprived and marginalized sections of the society aiming to alleviate suffering of cancer patients. Over 1 Lakh patients have been registered since its foundation was laid in October 1997. Considering the yearly inflow of more than 10 thousand new patients from all over Rajasthan and adjoining states this hospital has virtually proved to be a Regional Cancer Care Centre. BMCHRC has been rendering free services to the economically weaker sections ever since its inception receiving unbroken support from corporate entities, philanthropic organizations and generous individuals, sensitive to the misery caused by cancer. We endeavor to accomplish our goals by providing the best treatment to all our patients and by providing free treatment to 25 % of the total IPD & OPD patients who are from the economically weaker strata or falls in the BPL (below poverty line) class. Above all, patients at BMCHRC are always backed by the generous moral support by our ladies wing “Cancer Care” which is at all times accessible to facilitate patients and their attendants. In addition to all those who have participated in our effort to fight against cancer, I acknowledge the continuous support given by the State Government, Central Government and Department of Atomic Energy & Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) Govt. of India at various occasions. I also sincerely pay my gratitude to all who have participated in realizing this project and its constant development. I positively look forward to make this Institution far more competent and self sufficient with enhanced quality of services and expanded facilities not only to serve the disadvantaged on national level but also contributing to the medical tourism by offering our services for non-native.

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