
Biomedical Sciences Experts

M Mohammed Idris

Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology


Dr. Mohammed Idris received his Bachelors and Masters degree in Biochemistry from University of Madras. He obtained his PhD from Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom. Dr. Idris executed his PhD work at Stazione Zoolgica ‘A.Dohrn’, Naples, Italy and Sven Loven Marine Centre, Gothenburg, Sweden. He joined the CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad, in the year 2000 and currently serving his tenure as Principal Scientist. Dr. Idris’s work majorly focuses on understanding the complexity of diseases and development in alternate model system. His major research components involves in understanding the biomechanism of regeneration and degeneration in alternate model systems. His Regeneration study involves in understanding the tissue/organ regeneration in Danio rerio, Asterias sp. and Ciona sp. Like wise his degeneration study involves in understanding the mechanism of degeneration due to gene, stress and chemicals in zebrafish model system. Dr. Idris is a recipient of CSIR Young Scientist award for the year 2010 in Biological Sciences for his work on discovery of genes involved in Pancreatitis & Huntington’s disease, establishment of genetic diagnostic procedures and recent insight into neurodegeneration in zebrafish model

Research Interest

Dr. Idris'scurrent research interests concern in understanding the complexity of developmental biology and neuroscience using alternate model animals such as zebrafish (Danio rerio), marine chordates (Ascidians) and echinoderms (Asterias sp). His research activity mainly focuses in understanding the mechanism of regeneration and degeneration in these model animals involving proteomics and transcriptomics approaches. Regeneration of appendages in zebrafish, nervous tissue in ascidians and arms in Asterias sp are the few important ongoing research activities in his lab.

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