
Surgery Experts

Anu T Singh

Dabur Research Foundation


Anu T Singh has completed her PhD in tumor biology from All India Institute of Medical Science, Delhi and postdoctoral research from National Institute of Immunology, Delhi. She is the Vice President of Dabur Research Foundation (DRF). She has published and presented more than 40 research papers in peer reviewed journals & scientific meetings. She has extensive experience in the area of hair biology and screening of variety of hair products. DRF provides a range of Research Solutions in Pre-clinical Biology to national and international pharmaceutical & biotechnology companies with a comprehensive range of services for pharmacological, biological and analytical testing in therapeutic areas such as Oncology, Metabolic diseases, Inflammation, Immunomodulation, Dermatology and Gastric diseases. A comprehensive range of screening assays for studying the hair biology has been developed.   Anu T Singh has completed her PhD in tumor biology from All India Institute of Medical Science, Delhi and postdoctoral research from National Institute of Immunology, Delhi. She is the Vice President of Dabur Research Foundation (DRF). She has published and presented more than 40 research papers in peer reviewed journals & scientific meetings. She has extensive experience in the area of hair biology and screening of variety of hair products. DRF provides a range of Research Solutions in Pre-clinical Biology to national and international pharmaceutical & biotechnology companies with a comprehensive range of services for pharmacological, biological and analytical testing in therapeutic areas such as Oncology, Metabolic diseases, Inflammation, Immunomodulation, Dermatology and Gastric diseases. A comprehensive range of screening assays for studying the hair biology has been developed.  

Research Interest



  • Development of novel hair growth promoters addressing various forms of Alopecia

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