Director - Projects
Grow diesel
R.K.Sharma is the Director-Projects at Growdiesel. He holds a PGDM from RBV (Netherlands), MBA from MSW (Netherlands), E-Com Professional certificate from IBM 6 Sigma certification from RAB-QSA and is pursuing his doctorate currently. He carries a rich global experience of over 25 years out of which 11 recent years have been in management consulting, management faculty and sustainability initiatives. He carries immensely active consultancy experience in context of management and business development from developing countries perspective and his fields of active engagement are business enhancement, sustainable development, fair trade and ethical initiatives. He is affiliated to Fair Trade Original Foundation-Netherlands (One of the pioneer organization in global 'fair-trade movement) as a Regional Consultant (India & Srilanka) for providing business scanning, consulting, capacity building, marketing, social compliance and auditing support to Fair Trade partner associates. Additionally, he has been engaged in consultancy for business development, new business ventures and foreign tie-ups in Europe & India. Some of his consultancy stints have been to the Soros Foundation's Language School, IST Vesta (Oracle affiliate), Butya Corporation (the affiliate of global brands like Toyota, BMW, Remy Martin, Estee Lauder, P&G, Gillette, Adidas and Ramstore), Central Asia office of Purolite UK and Black Pencil (regional affiliate of Leo Burnett Worldwide). Developing management strategies for growth is his forte and mentoring ethical and sustainable business is his passion.
Research Interest
Biohydrogen, Food vs. Fuels deb ate, Advanced Biofuels, Production of Biofuels, Bioenergy