Padmini K
Indian Council of Agricultural Research
Currently she is a Professor in Division of Vegetable Crops at ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticultural Research
Research Interest
Developed pollination technique for efficient hybrid seed production of brinjal Cv.Arka Navneet. • Standardised pollination technique for efficient hybrid seed production of chilli using Cytoplasmic genic male sterile lines to avoid emasculation • Standardised pollination technique for efficient hybrid seed production of tomato using exserted stigma (Ex-3) lines to avoid emasculation • Standardised the time of planting for effective synchronization of flowering in Cytoplasmic male sterile lines and Pollinator lines of Onion Cv.Arka Lalima. • The inheritance of seed dormancy in brinjal was found to be dominant the knowledge of which would be useful in brinjal breeding to incorporate or exclude seed dormancy. • Standardised pollination technique for efficient hybrid seed production of brinjal using functional male sterile line (ms-1) to avoid emasculation. • Optimised the planting ratio of functional male sterile line (ms-1) and Arka Keshav for natural cross pollination (with out emasculation) .5:1 was found to be optimum. • Identified the isolation requirements of ridge gourd • Standardised optimum seed to pollen ratio in hybrid seed production of tomato(Hybrid Arka Abhijit) • Standardised position and number of flowers/truss to be pollinated in hybrid seed production of tomato(Hybrid Arka Abhijit) • Standardised pollen collection method and drying in hybrid seed production of tomato (Hybrid Arka Abhijit) • Standardised the time of emasculation in crossing in Tomato in hybrid seed production of tomato (Hybrid Arka Abhijit) • Standardised the time of planting for synchronization of flowering in parental lines in Tomato (Hybrid Arka Abhijit) • Standardised optimum row ratio in hybrid seed production technology for natural cross pollination in chilli (using Cytoplasmic genic male sterile lines).3:1 was found to be optimum. • Identified the isolation requirements of tomato seed production using exserted stigma line. • Standardised technology for improving crossing efficiency in hand pollination of chilli using Cytoplasmic genic male sterile lines in hybrid Arka Harita (without emasculation) • Standardised technology for improving crossing efficiency in natural cross pollination of chilli using Cytoplasmic genic male sterile lines in hybrid Arka Harita (with out emasculation and pollination) • Identified reasons for poor seed set to improve seed production in china aster cv.Poornima (Powder Puff type) • Developed technology for improving for improving seed yield in china aster Cv.Poornima (Powder Puff type)
Padmini, K. M.N.Venugopal and B.Sasikumar. 2000. Performance of hybrids, open pollinated progenies and inbred of cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum Maton) under coorg nursery condition. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences. 70(8):550-551.
Padmini, K., and E.Vadivel. 1997. Studies on genetic variability and heritability in F2 generation of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) Mill. South Indian Hort. 45 (1&2):1-4.
Padmini, K., and E.Vadivel. 1996. Genetic analysis in Tomato. Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. South Indian Hort. 44 (3&4):71-74