R.s. Sharma
Indian Council of Medical Research
R.S.SHARMA is a SCIENTIST G & HEAD in Indian Council of Medical Research, India. He has completed his Ph.D. His discipline is CONTRACEPTION, PHYSIOLOGY
Research Interest
Reproductive Biology and Maternal Health, Child Health
Rajalakshmi, M., Pal, P.C., Anthony Jayraj, D., Sha rma, R.S., Griffin, P.D. and Waites, G.M.H. Evaluation of the ability of levonorgestrel butanoate alone or in combination with testosterone buciclate to suppress spermatogen esis in the bonnet monkey (Macaca radiata). Int J Androl 23 (2000) 95.
Sharma, R.S., Singh, B.K., Mathur, A.K. and Mukherj ee, A. Development of male contraceptive: RISUG an intra-vasal injectable. Ind ian J Clin Biochem 22(2007) 19S7.
Sharma, R.S., Mathur, A.K., Chandhiok, N., Datey, S ., Saxena, N.C., Gopalan, S., Sharma, S., Mittal, S., Sehgal, R., Sumandal, B.K., Chanda, A., Salvi, V., Mutalik, N., Coyaji, K.J., Gibsson, A., Hazari, K., Kalgutkar, S . and Talwar, G.P. Phase II clinical trial with praneem polyherbal tablet for assessment of its efficacy in symptomatic women with abnormal vaginal dischange (An ICMR Task Force Study). Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 103 (2009) 167.