Vinod Kumar Sharma
Senior Professor
Disaster Management
Indian Institute of Public Administration
Prof. Sharma is also Honorary Vice Chairman, Sikkim State Disaster Management Authority with the permission of IIPA management and responsible for making State Policy and plans; District, Block and Village level plans for Disaster Management and their implementation in the different levels. He is assisting Sikkim state in making state disaster resilient. May 2003 – October 2006:National Society for Earthquake Technology-Nepal as Chief of Party, Program for Enhancement of Emergency Response (PEER)-USAID funded programme for six Asian countries (on deputation from IIPA)
Research Interest
His research interests are Disaster Management (Training and Research), Ecology and Environment
Sharma, V. K., (1997) National Policy and Planning for Emergency Response in India. International - Disaster and Emergency Response (IDER) Conference, Hague, The Netherlands. (Oct. 7-9, 1997) (Paper selected for special presentation in the opening session).
Sharma, V. K., (1997) Natural Disaster Management in India.IJPA, Vol. XLIII (3) p. 764-774.
Sharma, V. K., (1997) Earthquake Disaster Mitigation and Preparedness in India. Workshop on Earthquake Disaster Preparedness, University of Roorkee (Oct. 13-14, 1997). pp.89-96.
Sharma, V.K., (1997) Strengthening Vulnerable Communities for Natural Disaster Reduction. Workshop on `Understanding Vulnerability: A South Asian Perspective (Aug. 21-22, 1997) Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Sharma, V.K., (1997) Functioning of disaster management organization and methodology to cope with disasters in India. Indo-US Seminar on disaster relief, New Delhi, p.1-12.
Sharma, V. K., (1997) Natural disaster Administration in India. In Governing India. Public Policy, Institutions and Administration. (ed. O.P. Dwivedi B.R. Publishing Corp. Delhi. P. 303-342.
Sharma, V.K., A. Sharma, A. Bagley, M. Jain and M. Gupta (1997) Risk in Cities - A case of Delhi and an outline Risk Assessment Methodology. Jour. Ind. Buildings Congress 4 (1): 164 -169.
Sharma, V.K. and Amir Ali Khan (1996) Earthquake Disaster - Management and Administrative issues. Symp. on Earthquake effects on structures, plant & Machinery. ISET Delhi Chapter: IX - 5.1 -5.12.
Sharma, V.K., (1996) Natural Disaster preparedness, mitigation and reduction: Efforts in India during IDNDR. In Disasters, Environment and Development (ed.R.B.Singh) Oxford & IBH, New Delhi p. 93-104.
Sharma, V.K., (1996) Natural Disaster Mitigation and Government interventions An over view. INCODIM -96 In Role of Universities in Natural Disaster Reduction at Anna University. Madras. P.C1-6.