Arcot Ramachandran
Indian National Science Academy
Arcot Ramachandran obtained his MS and PhD from Purdue University and joined Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore in 1950 as Faculty Member in the newly established Department of Power Engineering. He was Research Engineer (1954-55) in Babcock & Wilcox R&D Centre in Renfrew, Scotland, and postdoctoral Fellow (1955-56) in Columbia and Purdue universities. He also participated in the Summer Session on Advances in Heat Transfer in Massachusetts Institute of Technology. On his return to IISc, he became Head of the Departments of Mechanical Engineering (1957), and Industrial Management (1965). Thereafter, he was invited to become the Director of IIT Madras in 1967. He also received Honorary Doctorates in Engineering from USA, Germany, Italy, and several Indian universities..
Research Interest
Thermal Engineering, Heat Transfer