Dr.n.senthil Kumar
Scientist - E
Institute of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding
His education includes: Ph.D., in Zoology (specilization in Entomology), M. Phil., in Zoology (specilization in Entomology), M.Sc., in Zoology (specilization in Entomology), B.Sc., in Zoology (specilization in Entomology). His research interest is in Bioprospecting of forest resources for biopesticide, bioboosters, natural colourants, biofuel and phyto products, Characterization of bioactive compounds of plant and microbial origin, Instrumentation techniques such as column chromatography, TLC, HPLC, GCMSMS, Insect taxonomy (Orthoptera :Tettigoniidae), Climate change on forest insects and biodiversity conservation, Insect-plant interactions, Ecofriendly pest management – Biopesticides, Development and implementation of EIA procedures.
Research Interest
Bioprospecting of forest resources for biopesticide, bioboosters, natural colourants, biofuel and phyto products and Characterization of bioactive compounds of plant and microbial origin.
S. Murugesan, V. Mohan, N. Senthilkumar, R. Lakshmidevi, D. Suresh Babu and R. Sumathi (2016). Effects of growing media with bioinoculants on quality seedlings production of Eucalyptus tereticornis in nursery conditions. European Journal of Experimental Biology, 6(3):86-93.
Srinivasan, A., D. Suresh Babu, N. Senthilkumar and S. Murugesan (2016). Physicochemical properties and phytochemical constituents of Semecarpus anacardium l. Seed oil. Advances in Applied Science Research, 7(3):151-154.
Lenora, L. M., Suresh Babu, D., Senthil Kumar, J., and Senthilkumar, N. (2016). GC-MS-MS analysis of Alien Invasive Aquatic weed, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms. Der Chemica Sinica, 7(3): 48-52