Parlapalli V. Satyam
Condensed Matter Physics
Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar
Ph.D. from Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, India Post doctoral fellow (Advanced Photon Source, Argonne National Lab., USA), JSPS Fellow (Japanese Science ) Visiting Scientist (Nagoya University, Japan) - 2004, 2007 Visiting Scientist (National Taiwan University, Taiwan) - 2008 Visiting Scientist (NCKU, Tainan, Taiwan) - 2009 Guest Scientist (University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany) - on Sabbatical leave since June 14, 2010 (for one year)
Research Interest
Structural Studies from Low Dimensional System (Nanoscale), clean Surface and Interfaces, Experimental techniques associated with: Electron Microscopy (HRTEM, in-situ TEM, EELS (TEM), FEGSEM - FIB, MBE (UHV Growth), STM, X-Ray methods (XRD, XRR, XSW and using Synchrotron radiation), Ion Scattering methods and Ion implantation); Fundamental and Applied research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology.
Temperature dependent electron microscopy study of Au thin films on Si (100) with and without native oxide layer as barrier at the interface, A. K. Rath et al., J. of Physics D: Applied Physics (Accepted) (2011)