Abbas Ali Mahdi
King Georges Medical University
Prof. Abbas Ali Mahdi specializes Clinical Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Immunology, Free Radical Biology, Natural Products, Medical Elementology, Food Adulteration & Toxicology. He is working as Professor in Department of Biochemistry, king Georges medical University.
Research Interest
Clinical Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Immunology, Free Radical Biology, Natural Products, Medical Elementology, Food Adulteration & Toxicology
Singh K, Chand SV, Rao P, Tripathi JS, Kumar L, Mahdi AA, Singh K. Impact of Different Prosthodontic Treatment Modalities on Nutritional Parameters of Elderly Patients. J Prosthodont.2016 ;25(1):21-7
Iqbal B, Ghildiyal A, Sahabjada, Singh S, Arshad M, Mahdi AA, Tiwari S. Antiproliferative and Apoptotic Effect of Curcumin and TRAIL (TNF RelatedApoptosis inducing Ligand) in Chronic Myeloid Leukaemic Cells. J Clin Diagn Res. 2016 Apr;10(4):01-05"
Singh R, Sharma S, Singh RK, Mahdi AA, Singh RK, Lee Gierke C, Cornelissen G. Effect of gender, age, diet and smoking status on chronomics of circulating plasma lipid components in healthy Indians .Clin Chim Acta. 2016;17(459):10-18. doi: 10.1016/j.cca.2016.05.010.