Assistant Professor
Lucknow University
Dr. Omkar is currently Assistant Professor, Zoology in Lucknow Univerity. Projects: UGC, CSIR, Centre of Excellence (UP Govt) PublicationsAddress, fellow, Zoological Society of India, Executive member, Vice President, International Society ofAny other Applied Biology, Elected Executive Member, Aphidological Society, Indiainformation 5. Elected Recorder, Executive Member, Zoology, Entomology & Fisheries, ISCA and Executive Editor, Journal of Applied Bioscience.Dr. Omkar is currently Assistant Professor, Zoology in Lucknow Univerity. Projects: UGC, CSIR, Centre of Excellence (UP Govt) PublicationsAddress, fellow, Zoological Society of India, Executive member, Vice President, International Society ofAny other Applied Biology, Elected Executive Member, Aphidological Society, Indiainformation 5. Elected Recorder, Executive Member, Zoology, Entomology & Fisheries, ISCA and Executive Editor, Journal of Applied Bioscience.
Research Interest
Predation Ecology, Biological Specialisation Control, Environmental Toxicology
Mishra G. Conspecific interference by adults in an aphidophagous ladybird Propylea dissecta (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae): effect on reproduction. Bulletin of entomological research. 2006 Aug;96(4):407-12.
Omkar, Pandey P, Rastogi S. Rhythmicity in life history traits of Parthenium beetle, Zygogramma bicolorata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Biological Rhythm Research. 2009 Apr 1;40(2):189-200.