
Medical Sciences Experts

Asoke Kumar Pal

Mahatma Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute


Asoke Pal worked as a ICMR Research Fellow & obtained his Ph.D. degree in Cytogenetics from Burdwan University, West Bengal in 1985. After completion of Ph.D., he joined as research Scientist at the Institute of Cytology & Preventive Oncology (ICMR, New Delhi) where he worked on "Human Cancer Genetics". Dr. Pal joined MGIMS as a lecturer (Cytogenetics) in the year 1992 & now he is Professor (Cytogenetics). Since the inception of the laboratory, he is in-charge of Cytogenetics & Molecular Genetics Laboratory & routinely catering genetic diagnostic services to the referred patients. Dr. Pal organized several national level workshops, symposia & conferences sponsored by ICMR, DST, and MCI on Cytogenetics for post-graduate medical students & medical teachers. He was an honorary visiting Faculty member at "Dept. of Genetics of Calcutta University". Dr. Pal delivered guest lectures at various national & international conferences & also in different Universities. Dr. Pal is recognized as Ph. D. guide (Medical Genetics) of Maharashtra University of Health Sciences & also examiner of Ph.D. thesis of different Universities in India. He is credited with around 40 publications on genetics in national & international journals & running projects on molecular genetics. His basic research interest is on "Genetics of Human Infertility." Dr. Pal has thirty years of research experience in Cytogenetics, Molecular Genetics & also diagnostic cytogenetics & genetic counseling. He is also involved in teaching programme on Human Genetics to the undergraduate & post-graduate medical students. Dr. Pal acted as a referee to review projects of ICMR (New Delhi) & Dept of Biotechnology (DBT). He is a member of a number of scientific bodies in India.                 Asoke Pal worked as a ICMR Research Fellow & obtained his Ph.D. degree in Cytogenetics from Burdwan University, West Bengal in 1985. After completion of Ph.D., he joined as research Scientist at the Institute of Cytology & Preventive Oncology (ICMR, New Delhi) where he worked on "Human Cancer Genetics". Dr. Pal joined MGIMS as a lecturer (Cytogenetics) in the year 1992 & now he is Professor (Cytogenetics). Since the inception of the laboratory, he is in-charge of Cytogenetics & Molecular Genetics Laboratory & routinely catering genetic diagnostic services to the referred patients. Dr. Pal organized several national level workshops, symposia & conferences sponsored by ICMR, DST, and MCI on Cytogenetics for post-graduate medical students & medical teachers. He was an honorary visiting Faculty member at "Dept. of Genetics of Calcutta University". Dr. Pal delivered guest lectures at various national & international conferences & also in different Universities. Dr. Pal is recognized as Ph. D. guide (Medical Genetics) of Maharashtra University of Health Sciences & also examiner of Ph.D. thesis of different Universities in India. He is credited with around 40 publications on genetics in national & international journals & running projects on molecular genetics. His basic research interest is on "Genetics of Human Infertility." Dr. Pal has thirty years of research experience in Cytogenetics, Molecular Genetics & also diagnostic cytogenetics & genetic counseling. He is also involved in teaching programme on Human Genetics to the undergraduate & post-graduate medical students. Dr. Pal acted as a referee to review projects of ICMR (New Delhi) & Dept of Biotechnology (DBT). He is a member of a number of scientific bodies in India.                

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