Girdhari Singh
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Engineering
Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur
Dr.Girdhari Singh is currently working as an Associate Professor in Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur, India.
Research Interest
Software Engg., Intelligent Systems.
K R Yadav, Vipin Pal, Girdhari Singh, R P Yadav ,"AN EFFICIENT LOAD BALANCING CLUSTERING SCHEME FOR DATA CENTRIC WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS" , International Journal of Communication Network and Security (IJCNS) Volume :1 / 1-5 / 2012
Vipin Pal, Girdhari Singh, R P Yadav, Pavitar Pal ,"Energy Efficient Clustering Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey" , Journal of Wireless Networking and Communications Volume :2 / 168-174 / 2012 ISBN: 2167-7328
Vipin Pal, Girdhari Singh, Rajender Prasad Yadav ,"SCHS: Smart Cluster Head Selection Scheme for Clustering Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks" , Wireless Sensor Network Volume :4 / 273-280 / 2012