Vivek Khanzode
Associate Professor
Industrial Engineering & Manufacturing Systems
National Institute of Industrial Engineering
Dr. Vivek Khanzode is working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering & Manufacturing Systems in the National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai, India. he did B.E.(Mechanical Engineering), M Tech (Industrial Engineering), PhD (Industrial Engineering).
Research Interest
Lean Manufacturing, Worksystem Design, Lean Warehousing
Khanzode, Vivek V., J. Maiti, and P. K. Ray. "Injury count model for quantification of risk of occupational injury." International journal of injury control and safety promotion 18.2 (2011): 151-162.
Khanzode, Vivek V., J. Maiti, and P. K. Ray. "A methodology for evaluation and monitoring of recurring hazards in underground coal mining." Safety science 49.8 (2011): 1172-1179.
Khanzode, Vivek V., Jhareswar Maiti, and Pradip Kumar Ray. "Occupational injury and accident research: A comprehensive review." Safety Science 50.5 (2012): 1355-1367.