
Pharmaceutical Sciences Experts




 Born on August 3rd 1955, Mr Ajay Piramal is one of India’s leading industrialists, philanthropists and social entrepreneurs. He is the Chairman of a business conglomerate, Piramal Group & Shriram Group (market cap: US$7.5 billion; Revenue US$9.5 billion), with activities in pharma, financial services, real estate, information services, glass packaging etc. Apart from India, the Group has set-ups in the US, UK, European Union, Japan, Pacific and South Asia, with the products being sold in more than 100 countries. The Group employs 10,000+ personnel and serves over 100 million customers. The Group is involved in various Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities in the space of primary education, water healthcare, provision of mid-day meals to the school children, etc. The Piramal Foundation has received the most prestigious “Corporate Trailblazer Award” launched by the India Today Group (Safaigiri Awards 2015 as a part of the national campaign called Clean India Mission). The Award was presented by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi. This Award was given in recognition of the excellent work being done by Piramal Sarvajal in the social entrepreneurship space.

Research Interest

 Born on August 3rd 1955, Mr Ajay Piramal is one of India’s leading industrialists, philanthropists and social entrepreneurs. He is the Chairman of a business conglomerate, Piramal Group & Shriram Group (market cap: US$7.5 billion; Revenue US$9.5 billion), with activities in pharma, financial services, real estate, information services, glass packaging etc. Apart from India, the Group has set-ups in the US, UK, European Union, Japan, Pacific and South Asia, with the products being sold in more than 100 countries. The Group employs 10,000+ personnel and serves over 100 million customers. The Group is involved in various Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities in the space of primary education, water healthcare, provision of mid-day meals to the school children, etc. The Piramal Foundation has received the most prestigious “Corporate Trailblazer Award” launched by the India Today Group (Safaigiri Awards 2015 as a part of the national campaign called Clean India Mission). The Award was presented by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi. This Award was given in recognition of the excellent work being done by Piramal Sarvajal in the social entrepreneurship space.

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