Y. M. Satish
Management Studies
Ramaiah Institute of Technology
Dr. Y.M.Satish is the Professor in Department of Management Studies , Ramaiah Institute of Technology. His areas of interests include research, current affairs, startup & venture capital, turn around management and MSME.
Research Interest
Research, Current Affairs, StartUp & Venture Capital, Turn Around Management, M S M E
Dr. Y.M.Satish, Professor presented a paper titled “Women Empowerment and Entrepreneurship development in Rural India†in the National Seminar on Rural Women Entrepreneurship in India: Way for Social and Economic Empowerment†on 27th & 28th May 2016
Dr. Y.M.Satish, Professor, Department of Management Studies has presented paper titled “FINANCIAL INCENTIVES AVAILABLE FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES†at the National Seminar on “Sustainable Development in Power Sector through Renewable Energy Resources sponsored by ICSSR organized by the Department of Management Studies, MSRIT on 25th & 26th February 2016
A study on the preference of Coffee Traders to the traditional methods of Trading compared to Commodity Exchange An International Journal of “Multi Dimensions Research Vol-4, Issue-7,Page No. 108 to 118, Impact Factor- 5.276, ISSN: 2321-1784