
Bioinformatics & Systems Biology Experts

Satish Menon

Founder & CEO
information technology


Dr. Satish Menon is the founder and CEO of UV Labs, a company focused on building innovative products and technologies to help solve the increasingly complex issues facing higher education today, in sectors such as healthcare and information technology. Throughout his career, Satish has led the development of multiple technological innovations in education and digital media, including the development of data-driven personalized learning management platforms, several mobile products, and a suite of education-to-career tools for post-secondary learners. Prior to founding UV Labs, Satish was the Chief Technology Officer for Apollo Group, a Fortune 500 company and one of the world's largest private education providers. In that role and in his term as CIO for the company, Satish was responsible for the design and development of all consumer-facing technology, as well creating cloud-enabled education-as-a-service solutions for the company. Prior to his work at Apollo Group, Satish held roles as Chief Architect of Yahoo Media, Engineering General Manager for Video Platforms and Vice-President in the Consumer Platforms team at Yahoo.

Research Interest

information technology

Global Experts from India

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