B. K. Chaturvedi
business and management
Sphaera Pharma
Mr. Bhuwan Chaturvedi has rich and diverse top management level corporate experience, in the automobile, auto components, engineering and real estate development sectors. He began his career with Tata Motors (1971-78) & went on to manage apex level responsibilities in positions such as Managing Director, Eicher Ltd., President & Executive Director, Hindustan Motors Ltd., and CEO of Central Park, an emerging name in Real Estate development in India. He did his BE (Mech) from IIT Roorkee (1969) and MBA from IIM, Ahmedabad (1971). He has attended the Harvard Business School, Executive Development Programme. He received training in TQM (Total Quality Management) from Dr. Deming and has attended several TQM programs in Japan. Mr. Chaturvedi has been President of Tractor Manufacturers Association and a Member of CII National Council.
Research Interest
business and development