
Neurology Experts

Ahmad Faried

University Padjadjaran


Ahmad Faried currently works as a staff at Department of Neurosurgery and Stem Cell Working Group, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran-Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. He has completed his PhD in Gunma University, Medicine, Japan under supervision of Prof. Hiroyuki Kuwano and Dr. Hiroyuki Kato; received his Postdoctoral grant from JSPS at the same university and continuing his Clinical Fellow in Neurosurgery at The University of Tokyo, Japan under supervision of Prof. Nobuhito Saito. He is a Neurosurgeon with Cell Biology as his back ground. He has a great deal of interest in neuroscience research such as brain microvessel endothelia cells, placental stem cells, neural stem cells, iPSCs, cancer stem cells, neurosurgery, bio-medic engineering especially instrumentation, medical information communication and technology (medical ICT) as well as medical services using cloud computing system. Ahmad Faried currently works as a staff at Department of Neurosurgery and Stem Cell Working Group, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjadjaran-Dr. Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. He has completed his PhD in Gunma University, Medicine, Japan under supervision of Prof. Hiroyuki Kuwano and Dr. Hiroyuki Kato; received his Postdoctoral grant from JSPS at the same university and continuing his Clinical Fellow in Neurosurgery at The University of Tokyo, Japan under supervision of Prof. Nobuhito Saito. He is a Neurosurgeon with Cell Biology as his back ground. He has a great deal of interest in neuroscience research such as brain microvessel endothelia cells, placental stem cells, neural stem cells, iPSCs, cancer stem cells, neurosurgery, bio-medic engineering especially instrumentation, medical information communication and technology (medical ICT) as well as medical services using cloud computing system.

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