Azar Shahpiri
Assistant Professor
Department of Biotechnology
Isfahan University of Technology
She is currently working as an Assistant Professor of Agricultural Biotechnology, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran.
Research Interest
Protein Engineering Genetic Engineering Functinal Characterization of Proteins
Mohammadi Nezhad R, Shahpiri A, Mirlohi A (2013) Discrimination between two rice metallothionein isoforms belonging to type 1 and type 4 in metal binding ability. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry 60:275-282.
Hägglund P, Björnberg O, Navrot N,Jensen JM, Maeda K, Kirkensgaard K, Shahpiri A, Sultan A, Bunkenborg J, Gubler F, Barrero JM, Henriksen A, Finnie C and Svensson B (2013) The barley grain thioredoxin system. Frontier In plant proteomics 4:1-5
Krikensgaard KG. Hagglund P, Shahpiri A, Finnie C, Henriksen A, Svensson B (2014) A novel twist on molecular interactions between thioredoxin and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-dependent thioredoxin reductase. Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics (Online Published)