Associate Professor
Civil Engineering
Isfahan University of Technology
He is currently working as Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran. He did Ph.D. in Structural Engineering from University of Lille, France. He did his MSc. n Modelisation in the Domain of Civil Engineering from University of Lille France
Research Interest
Advanced concrete technology Seismic behavior of concrete precast structures including framed and large panel structures Optimum design of framed structures, bridges and domes Rolled Compacted Concrete in Dams and Pavements .
Buyle-Bodin F., Madhkhan M., “Seismic Behaviour of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete Pilesâ€, Material and Structures Journal, Vol. 35, August 2002, pp.402-407.
Memari A.M. , Madhkhan M., “Optimal Design of Steel Frames to Resist Seismic Loadsâ€, International Conferece, Edinburgh, 1993, pp. 371-378.
Memari A.M. , Madhkhan M., “Optimal Design of Steel Frames Subject to Gravity and Seismic codes Prescribed Lateral Forcesâ€, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization Journal, Vol.18, No.1, Aug. 1999, pp. 56-66.