Foroogh S Tabataba
Assistant Professor
Electrical & Computer Engineering
Isfahan University of Technology
engineering from Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran, in 2004 and M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2006 and 2011. She is now an assistant professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran. From March 2004 to Sept. 2011, she has been a Research Assistant at Advanced Communication Research Institute in Wireless Research Laboratory and Data Network Research Laboratory of the Electrical Engineering Department in Sharif University. In 2008, she has received a visiting fellowship from Australian National University and spent six months in ANU working with Dr. Sadeghi 's group. In 2010, she visited signal processing and wireless communication lab in University of Western Australia for 8 months. Her research interests include communication systems theory, wireless communications, cooperative networks, information theory applications and optical networks.
Research Interest
Communication Systems Theory Wireless Communications Cooperative Networks Information Theory Applications Optical Networks Cognitive Networks
M.H. Chinaei, M.J. Omidi, J. Kazemi, Foroogh S. Tabataba, "Energy efficiency optimization of one-way and two-way DF relaying considering circuit power", Wireless Networks, Springer US, Jul. 2015.
A. Abtahi, M Modarres-Hashemi, Farokh Marvasti and Foroogh S. Tabataba,"Power allocation and measurement matrix design for block CS-based distributed MIMO radars", Aerospace Science and Technology, Elsevier, June 2016.
M. Pashazadeh and Foroogh S. Tabataba, "Impact of loop-back interference and channel estimation errors on full-duplex relay networks." Wireless Networks, Springer US, 2016.