Ali Reza Borhani Darian
Associate Prof
Civil Engineering
K. N. Toosi University of Tech
Dr. Ali Reza Borhani Darian is currently working as a Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering of K.N. Toosi University of Technology,Iran. His research interests includes Water Engineering. He has authored of many research articles/books related to Research interest.
Research Interest
Water Engineering
Majoumerd SH, Dariane AB. Temperature Trend Analysis in Urmia Lake Basin Compared with Water Level Fluctuations of the Lake.
Ashrafi SM, Dariane AB. A novel and effective algorithm for numerical optimization: melody search (MS). InHybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS), 2011 11th International Conference on 2011 Dec 5 (pp. 109-114). IEEE.
Momtahen S, Dariane AB. Direct search approaches using genetic algorithms for optimization of water reservoir operating policies. Journal of water resources planning and management. 2007 May;133(3):202-9.