Mohammad Reza Sabour
Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
K. N. Toosi University of Tech
Dr Mohammad Reza SABOUR is a professor in the Department of Civil Engineering at K. N. Toosi University of Tech. He received his Master of Science at Amir Kabir University of Technology . He has authored many research articles/books.
Research Interest
Solid Waste Management (Production, Collection, Transportation, Disposal), Hazardous and Special Waste Management (Petroleum, Industrial and Medical Centers wastes)
Sabour M, Amiri A, Ghasemnezhad M. Cleaning Spent Bleaching Clay through Using Solvent Extraction Method and RSM Statistical Approach.
Nouri D, Sabour MR, GhanbarzadehLak M. Industrial solid waste management through the application of multi-criteria decision-making analysis: a case study of Shamsabad industrial complexes. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management. 2016:1-6.
Mostafa Hatami A, Memarian Fard M, Sabour MR. Evaluation of Waste Source Separation in 22 Districts of Tehran Using GIS. Journal of Geomatics Science and Technology. 2017 Mar 15;6(3):63-74.