
Medical Sciences Experts

Hossein Baharvand

Department of Stem Cells
Royan Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Technology


Hossein Baharvand is a distinguished Professor and Director of Royan Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Technology , where he firstly joined in 199 5 . He received his B.S c . in Biology from Shir az University in 1994, and M.Sc. in Developmental Biology from Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran in 1996 . He received his Ph.D. in C ell and D evelopmental B iology from Khwarizmi University (formerly Tarbiat Moallem University) in 2004. He is the founder of department of stem cells in 200 2 as well as Royan institute for stem cell biology and technology in 2010 . In 2012, he became Professor at Royan i nstitute. He is also appointed as the head of department of D evelopmental B iology at U niversity of S cience and C ulture ( 2006 - now ) . For the first time, he generated the mouse and human embryonic stem cells (2003) and induced pluripotent stem cells (2008) in Iran. This has enabled his team to pursue many avenues of research into translational research and regenerati ve medicine. He has focused h is research interests on improving the translational research and regenerative medicine mainly through the understanding of Stem Cells and Developmental Biology and Biologically inspired Engineering. He has been working on tran sdifferentiation and pluripotent stem cell differentiation into cardiomyocyt e s, neural cells, hepatocytes and beta cells. He has also been studying the pluripotency mechanism ; and germ cell biology . In addition , he has been investigating the biologically i nspiring engineering on stem cells and developmental biology. He has also been making numerous contributions to clinical trials and tissue - specific stem cell transplantation; as well as developing cell manufacturing. He has given numerous invited talks an d tutorials. He is the editor of four international books which were published by Springer (2010 and 2012) and John Wiley, USA (2015) . He has published 2 4 8 international and 100 national peer - reviewed papers, as well as seven chapters in international books , seven books in Persian, and eight translated English text books into Persian. As of February 201 6 , Google Scholar reports over 50 80 citations and h - index 3 7 to his work. He is currently the editorial board member of eight international journals (e.g., Jo urnal of Biological Chemistry and Scientific R eports from Nature Publishing Group) . He holds two USA patents on the basis of his research. He has received 2 8 international and national awards including 10 th (2004), 12 th (2006), and 17 th (2012) annual Razi research award on medical science hosted by Iran Ministry of Health and Medical Education , 26th Khwarizmi International Award (2013), hosted by Iran Ministry of Science, Research and Technology , 27 th annual book of the year of the Islamic republic of Iran (2010), Academy of Medical Sciences of Iran (Dr. Hadavi’s Award in 2010, 2014) , International Prof. Yalda Award for Excellence in Medical Sciences (2015) and d istinguished Iranian s cientist in Biotechnology (2015). He is the winner of the Islamic Education al, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) Prize for r esearch in the field of Biology (2010). Moreover, he was introduced as Prominent Professor in 3rd term of Allameh Tabatabaei’s Award hosted by Iran vice Presidency for Science and Technology, Pr esidency and National Elite Foundation (2014). He is the winner of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO ) - Equatorial Guinea i nternational p rize (2014) for r esearch in l ife s ciences aimed at improving the quality of hu man life with his stem cell research and its numerous applications in regenerative medicine .

Research Interest

Developmental Biology, Biology, Embryonic Stem Cells, Cellular and molecular aspects of differentiation of stem cells, Production of Knockout and transgenic Mice, Transplantation and cell therapy of stem cells and Cellular and molecular aspects of gametes and embryo development.  


  • Mohammadmajid Sepantafar, Reihan Maheronnaghsh, Hossein Mohammadi, Sareh Rajabi - Zeleti, Nassim Annabi, Nasser Aghdami * , Hossein Baharvand * . Stem cell s and Injectable Hydrogels: Synergistic Therapeutics in Myocardial Repair. Biotechnology Advances. 2016, doi: 10.1016/j.biotechadv.2016.03.003.

  • Behnam Molavi, Mohammad Reza Zafarghandi, Ehsan Aminizadeh, Seyyedeh - Esmat Hosseini , Hamid Mirzayi, Leila Arab, Hossein Baharvand, Nasser Aghdami * . Repeated Versus Single Intramuscular Infusion of Bone Marrow Mononuclear Cells in Patient s with Critical Limb Ischemia: A Phase I/II Clinical Trial . Archives of Iranian Medicine. 2016.

  • Ebrahim Shahbazi, Sharif Moradi, Shiva Nemati, Leila Satarian, Mohsen Basiri, Hamid Gourabi, Narges Zare Mehrjardi, Patrick Günther, Angelika Lampert, Kristian Händler, Fulya Hatay, Diana Schmidt, Ma rek Molcanyi, Jürgen Heschel er, Joachim L. Schultze, Tomo Å arić * , Hossein Baharvand * . Conversion of Human Fibroblasts to Stably Self - Renewing Neural Stem Cells with a Single Zinc - Finger Transcription Factor . Stem Cell Reports (Cell Press) . 201 6 , doi: 10.1016/j.stemcr.2016.02.013.

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