Gagik Badalians Gholikandi
Associate professor
Water and Wastewater Engineering
Shahid Beheshti University
Gagik Badalians gholikandi is an Associate professor in Water and Wastewater Engineering
Research Interest
Water and Wastewater Engineering
G. Badalians gholikandi, SH. Djamshidi, H. Hazrati, "Optimization of Anaerobic Baffled Reactor ABR Using Artificial Neural Network in Municipal Wastewater Treatment" , ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL, Vol.13, pp.95-104, 2014.
G. Badalians gholikandi, H. Masihi, M. Azimipoor, A. Abrishami, M. Mirabi, "Optimizing stabilization of waste-activated sludge using Fered-Fenton process and artificial neural network modeling (KSOFM MLP)" , ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH, Vol.21, pp.7177-7186, 2014.
H. Rasooli sadabad, G. Badalians gholikandi, "Harvesting direct electricity from municipal waste-activated sludge simultaneous with its aerobic stabilization process Investigation and optimization" , Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Vol.5, pp.1174-1185, 2017