Sahar Nedaie Tousi
Assistant professor
Urban Planning and Design
Shahid Beheshti University
Sahar Nedaie tousi is an Assistant professor of Architecture and Urban Planning in department of Urban Planning and Design
Research Interest
Architecture and Urban Planning
S. N., G. Ehsan, "Assessing Impacts of Passive Defense Policies Interventions on Spatial Logic of Tehran Metropolitan Area" , In CORP Conference 2012, 2012.
M. Sharifzadegan, A. Fallahi, S. N., "Tourism Continuity Plan after the 2003 Bam Earthquake" , In Real crop 2012, 2012
M. Sherif Zadgan, S. Ndiaye Tousi, "An Adaptive Approach to the Cargillian Multifunction of the Expansion of the Iranian Region," Human Geography, Vol. 48, pp. 105-123, 1395