Ziba Eslami
Associate professor
Computer Sciences
Shahid Beheshti University
Ziba Eslami is an Associate professor of Mathematical Sciences in Department of Computer Sciences
Research Interest
Mathematical Sciences
N. Pakniyat, M. Noroozi, Z. Eslami, "Distributed key generation protocol with hierarchical threshold access structure" , IET INFORMATION SECURITY, pp.1-8, 2015
N. Pakniat, M. Noroozi, Z. Eslami, "Reducing multi-secret sharing problem to sharing a single secret based on cellular automata" , The csi journal of computer science and engineering, Vol.14, pp.38-43, 2016
B. Rajabi kafshgar, Z. Eslami, "A CCA2-Secure Incomparable Public Key Encryption Scheme" , Journal Of Computing And Security, Vol.3, pp.3-12, 2017