Mohammad Parnianpour
Adjunct Professor
Mechanical Engineering
Sharif University of Technology
He did his - B.A. in Physics, from University of New York (1982) - M.S. in Energetics from , New York University (1983) - Ph.D. in Occupational Biomechanics from New York University (1988)
Research Interest
Study of the human neuromusculoskeletal system, with special emphasis on: spinal stability; quantitative characterization of trunk performance; quantitative characteristics of fatigue; time-varying properties of the spine; and movement simulation and control.
Nikkhoo M, Hsu YC, Haghpanahi M, Parnianpour M, Wang JL. (2012) A Meta-Model Analysis of a Finite Element Simulation for Defining Poroelastic Properties of Intervertebral Discs. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H, Journal of Engineering in Medicine. 2012, In Press.
Mazaheri M, Coenen P, Parnianpour M, Kiers H, van Deen JH. (2013) Low back pain and postural sway during quiet standing with and without sensory manipulation: A systematic review. Gait and Posture 2013; 37(1):12-22.
Sadeghi M, Emadi M, Parnianpour M, Fattah A. (2013) A Bio-Inspired Modular Hierarchical Structure to Plan the Sit-to-Stand Transfer under Varying Environmental Conditions. Neurocomputing, In Press
Arjmand N, Ekrami O, Shirazi-adl A, Parnianpour M,Plamondon A. (2013) Relative performances of Artificial Neural Network and Regression Mapping Tools in Evaluation of Spinal Loads and Muscle Forces during Static Lifting. Journal of Biomechanics. In Press
Min SN , Kim JY, Parnianpour M, (2013) The Effects of Experience and the Presence of a Scaffold Handrail on Postural and Spinal Stability in Construction Workers. Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics. In Press