Abdulkhaliq Kerim Emin
Surgery, ENT
Hawler Medical University
He is a professor at Hawler Medical University Education: MBChB, Salahaddin univ Erbil, 1990 PhD, Istanbul University College of Medicine, 2004 Teaching: 5th year undergraduate, postgraduate high diploma , postgraduate Kurdistani board
Research Interest
Surgery, ENT
Demir D, Suoglu Y, Emin H, Guven M, Kiyak E., "Factors that affect in situ lifetime of Provox voice prosthesis", Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg, 2004.
Guven M, Demir D, Suoglu Y, Emin H, Kiyak E, Enoz M. , "Long-term results of intracordal or neocordal autologous fat injection in patients with unilateral vocal cord paralysis and cordectomy", Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg, 2005.
Guven M, Suoglu Y, Demir D, Emin H, Sunay T., "Transoral microlaryngoscopic approach for schwannoma of the larynx.", Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtis Derg, 2005.