Plant Sciences

Plant Sciences Experts

Ahang Ali

Physiology, Physiology
Hawler Medical University


He is a professor at Hawler Medical University. Education: BSc, college of science, 1993 MSc, college of science, 1995   Teaching: Blood pressure and hematology

Research Interest



  • Ahang Ali Ahmed, "(ABO-Rh blood groups and type of food are amongst urinary tract infection causatives)", Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences, 2011.

  • Ahang Ali Ahmed, "Prevalence of urinary tract infections in diabetic patients and identification of the causal microorganisms.", Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences, 2012.

  • Ahang Ali Ahmed, "Study of hematological profile in healthy pregnant and non pregnant women in Erbil city", Journal of Kirkuk Medical College, 2017.

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