Arsalan Awlla Shem
Surgery, ENT
Hawler Medical University
He is a professor at Hawler Medical University. Education: MBChB, University of Salahaddin-Colege of medicine, 1989 FICMS, Iraqi C for Medical Specialties, 2002 CABS, Arabian Board for Medical Specilties, 2004 Teaching: Otolaryngology-Senior lecturer, Co- examiner and Supervisor for post graduate students in Otolaryngology high Diploma, Trainer, Supervisor & Co-examiner for Iraqi Board Students in Otolaryngology, Trainer, supervisor, examiner & program-director for Kurdistan Board Students in Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery
Research Interest
Functional endoscopic sinus surgery(FESS) Carcinoma of the larynx Allergic rhinitis
Arsalan A Shem,Said M Said, "The Effect of Dexamethasone on Post-Tonsillectomy Morbid Sequel (Pain, Early Feeding, and Emesis). ", Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences, 2008.
Arsalan A Shem,Said M Said, Lana S Al-Dabbagh, "Myringoplasty (Risk Factors & the Effect of Post-Operative Follow up on the Outcome of Success rate) in Erbil/ Kurdistan of Iraq.", Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences, 2010.
Arsalan A Shem,SA Ali, Lana S Al-Dabbagh, "Multiple Primaries of Head & Neck: Adenocystic Carcinoma of the Larynx with Follicular Carcinoma of Thyroid Gland ", Zanco Journal of Medical Sciences, 2013.